Current Festival president ! New to the team, Anne Legrand joined the Bastille Day Festival this year after discovering it in 2022. This communication professional naturally committed herself to help promote the event to all audiences. In Canada since 2018, and in Vancouver for a year, Anne enjoys continuing to explore the city - whether it's a run on the seawall or a hike in the surrounding area. And when the weather doesn't allow it, she always knows how to improvise an afternoon of board games with friends! |
Anne Legrand ( "President" )
Franck Point ("The Pillar")
Co-founder of the Bastille Day Festival since 2015, Franck Point is an outstanding manager and accomplished businessman. With motorcycle trips around the world, his other passion is vintage & popular cars from the 50s and 60s. For him, the Bastille Day Festival is a multi-generational association, where a true spirit of good camaraderie prevails. |
Current Festival Treasurer & former Festival President, Frederic Losson, has been part of the team since 2017.
Frédéric enjoys sailing, music, games in general, and discussions about everything and nothing at the same time. Having arrived in Vancouver at the beginning of 2017, he loved the festival's atmosphere and the encounters he had. He thought that lending a hand to repeat the experience was well worth it! He loves meeting people from our community. |
Frederic Losson ("Treasurer")
Thomas ("Secrétaire")
The current Secretary of the Bastille Day Festival, Thomas Tartiere, has been a member of the festival since 2016, which has allowed him to be involved in various aspects (food, logistics, communication...). He notably exercises rigorous quality control over the selection of cheese served on the day of the festival, a crucial point for the event's success. In his professional life, Thomas is an engineer and works in the fields of energy efficiency and computer science. |
Samantha joined the committee in 2022, a few months after her arrival in Vancouver.
In previous careers, she worked in consulates and French Alliances and in event planning. Getting involved in the Bastille Day Festival was therefore a natural step! Passionate about North America and wide-open spaces, she travels across Canada and the United States as much as she can, by foot, skiing, or climbing. Today, she manages all the festival volunteers involved on the day of the event! |
Samantha Andre ("Chief of Staff")
Nolwen Le Guay ("World Designer")
Nolwen Le Guay has been involved with the festival since she arrived in Vancouver four years ago. She is fully committed to everything related to visual communication and event decoration (as a creator of atmosphere). In her everyday life, she is a product designer and developer for an environmentally conscious clothing company. |
Tiphaine Cavrois ("Bubulles Master")
Tiphaine arrived in Vancouver in 2018 following her encounter with a pure maple syrup Canadian in New Zealand. Passionate about trekking and camping, she wanted to explore the mountains of Canada without freezing her butt off and quickly responded to the call of Vancouver. In an attempt to counter her nostalgia for her old country, she joined Bastille Day as a volunteer bartender in 2022. An effective remedy! Proof of this, she committed to the organizing committee the following year. Being a civil engineering project manager by day and with 100% Ch'ti blood running through her veins, it was only natural that she turned to logistics and bar management. |